
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Crazy Teacup Cake

     It's only Tuesday, but I feel like I've been at school all week. And it doesn't help that my body's all sore from gym with that crazy teacher.
CrayCray teacher: "It won't hurt if you stretch"
Me: Ummm... All I've been doing is stretching.
CrayCray teacher: "I'm sure I gave you the info to study for the test. So I'll just fail all of you."
Me: No, you missed the last 4 classes with us so we don't know a damn thing about this subject
CrayCray teacher: "Well good luck."
Me: (rolls eyes) Yeah, you too.

    Nothing cures annoyance of crazy teachers like mug cake. Except if that mug cake is made in a tiny, cute teacup. Did I mention it's delicious?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Red Bean Mochi

                                                          Mmmmm... Mochi... Me want.
         And yes, those are chocolate Easter eggs. I swear, I only had 1... OK. Maybe I had a few more. But I definitely have not been sitting on the couch eating handfuls of these for the past 3 days. heh heh...
I blame companies who brainwashed us into thinking that we need chocolate for every occasion.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

First Post :D

    So once again I found myself on a Sunday afternoon bored out of my mind, telling myself to finish the pile of homework building up in the corner, not doing the homework, visiting the fridge for the 50th time, and wishing it was next weekend so that I could spend a weekend actually doing something. But that never happens. So, I decided to think of something to do other than waste my time on the Internet.

    All I could think of was cooking, baking, and food. But, I needed an excuse to cook. Every time I bake anything, I feel like everyone in my family eats one piece to be polite, but I'm the one who has to end up finishing it. So I can't bake it for them. Could I bake stuff for friends or neighbours? I would probably run into the same problem except that wouldn't be finishing the food, it would
probably go in the trash. Then it popped into my mind. Since I'm already ruining my eyes and brain on the Internet, why not make a blog to post stuff I bake?